Orange Beach welcomes Operation ReConnect families

Operation ReConnect will be hosting 300+ military service members from the 442d Fighter Wing (Whiteman AFB, Missouri) and their families for a full week to reconnect after just returning from a multiple-month overseas Combat Deployment. With the continuous support we receive from the City of Orange Beach along with many local businesses, together we can show our pride and support for those who sacrifice so much to keep the United States of America safe.

The Operation ReConnect Team can not do this alone. Over the past three (3) years, Operation ReConnect has worked seamlessly with both individuals and rental management companies to bring more than 200 military families to our beautiful beaches in Southern Alabama & Northwest FL. The 'gift of time' we provide to our service-members and their families upon returning from overseas, is absolutely invaluable. This no-strings attached time, allows for families to have the opportunity to relax and reintegrate on their terms. 


A TEAM of good people had an idea. After months of brainstorming, planning, blood, sweat (and a lot of financial) equity, tears, determination, love and HARD WORKING, AMERICAN HANDS - "Jeep of Faith" - was born. 

Operation ReConnect is now ready to introduce this one-of-a-kind, custom-built, hand-painted - 2017 Jeep Wrangler to the world! No, we did not build this masterpiece to show the world we can put our organization logo on a vehicle. We built this for one reason and one reason alone: Raise funds and awareness for our military families who deal with Combat Deployments. The funds will be used to fulfill our Mission to provide beach-front accommodations for 7-nights FREE OF CHARGE to returning Armed Services members and their families. We serve every Branch and Rank including Active, Guard and Reservists. 

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