Bill Wyman says his playing days are behind him. Talking toVariety, the former Rolling Stones bassist says, "I had to stop [playing] when I got my prostate problem, because I had to stay in London for daily treatments.The Rhythm Kings has gone on and it still plays on occasions, but I don’t do it anymore. I’m not a spring chicken anymore, you know. I’m 82 years old. I’ve got enough on my plate with family work, charity work, photo exhibitions, writing books ... and restaurants, and everything else I still do. My life is very, very full, so I’ve got no time to miss playing in a band. But it’s good to see they’re still doing it."
Wyman says, "I’ve been totally cured, thank you. Back to normal now, and I didn’t have to have the hammer and chisel job, either. Just radiotherapy, so there was no cutting in or anything, which was nice.",he Quiet One, a documentary about Wyman, will be on video on demand starting tomorrow (Thursday). He says, "I was the only one in the ‘60s British bands that was born pre-World War 2 rather than post-war. And so as a child, I went through all the bombing in South London, being strafed by Germans in the streets and living in real bad poverty in those days. I never had anywhere to live that had heating in it until I was 27 years old. I was 15 before we had electricity. That’s part and parcel of the weirdness of my life, and I was hoping to get those kind of things across in the film."
The Quiet One is also playing in select theaters.