A 67-year-old Vietnam veteran named Wayne Lee Wilson recently passed away, and despite having no family and just a small group of close friends, his funeral drew a crowd of 3,000.
Following the Michigan man's death on May 28th, the Brown Funeral Home and Cremation Service in Nile, Michigan, started making arrangements for a small funeral. But a mortuary intern named Drew Mickel felt it wasn't enough for the man who served his country.
Drew contacted the local newspaper and invited readers to attend the funeral of an American war veteran. Word spread, and on July 17th, an enormous crowd of about 3,000 people, from as far away as Tennessee and Florida, showed up to pay their respects.
Drew said, "It was unlike any other funeral I’d been to. This one was very uplifting and just [had] the message of you’re never alone.” (ABC News)