Steven Spielberg has a daughter named Mikaela, she's now a porn star

STEVEN SPIELBERG's daughter MIKAELA is getting into the entertainment industry. The ADULT entertainment industry.

Mikaela is making SOLO PORN VIDEOS under the name SUGAR STAR, and also plans to do some stripping. She actually put some videos on PornHub already, including one called "Huge breasted woman pleasures herself in calm environment". (???)

But she took them down until she officially becomes a licensed stripper in Tennessee, where she lives.

Mikaela is 23, and she was actually ADOPTED as a baby by Steven and his wife KATE CAPSHAW. She recently broke the news to them about her new career path, and she claims they were, quote, "intrigued [but] not upset."

Mikaela says she won't be doing anything but solo videos, out of respect for her boyfriend . . . who's a 47-year-old professional dart player.

She would also like you to know that she's not doing this because she's hit the skids. Quote, "This is a positive, empowering choice. I realized there is no shame in having a fascination with this industry and wanting to do something that is safe, sane, consensual."

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