Fisherman's Foolhardy Attempt to LASSO a Shark (WATCH)

What's that old saying about jumping into shark-infested waters to lasso a shark? Oh yeah, don't do it!

An Australian man -- who doesn't make smart decisions -- thought it would be fun to jump off his boat with a rope and try to lasso a shark by its tail, cowboy style. Predictably, the shark didn't appreciate it and expressed its feelings by chewing off a chunk of the guy's thigh. 

The guy and his buddy then responded as if the shark had somehow instigated the attack, and they dragged Jaws out of the water using the rope and killed it. After wrapping a bandage around the guy's leg, he posed for a picture with his catch. Once the adrenaline had subsided a bit, he thought about what he'd done and said, "It was a quick and regrettable decision that I realize was a stupid move." (Daily Mail)

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