Your GPS is steering you in the wrong direction!

Whether you use Google Maps, Waze, Apple Maps, the navigation system built into your car, or your 2003 Garmin that really should be in a landfill right now . . . sometimes, they steer you wrong.

 According to a new survey, the average person wastes 29 hours a year because of bad advice from their GPS.  The main ways they waste our time are by giving us confusing directions so we have to backtrack . . . picking dumb routes . . . or leading us into bad traffic.

 If you average it out, your GPS is costing you around a half hour a week . . . which actually seems about right.  The survey also found 47% of us have gotten into a shouting match with our GPS even though, you know, it's not a person and it can't hear you. 

The Telegraph has more info


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