DAVID CROSBY: Going After Nugent Again

David Crosby

Kanye West isn't the only artist to come under criticism from David Crosbyvia Twitter. Ted Nugent is also on David's list.

Croz's latest rant against the card-carrying National Rifle Association member stems from his belief that if he weren't a gun-rights advocate, he'd be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Crosby, a two-time member of the Rock Hall, reacted to this statement with, "No, the [a-hole] just isn't good enough."

Nugent has yet to respond.

Earlier this year, Crosby had some choice words for Nugent after Ted posted a photo of his visit to the White House and dinner with President Trump. He said, "This picture says it all...the two most insincere smiles in history. What a pair of [jerks]."

Nugent responded, "David Crosby, he's kind of a lost soul, and he's done so much substance abuse throughout his life that his logic meter is gone. His reasoning and his depth of understanding is pretty much gone, so it doesn't surprise me. I feel quite sad for the guy."

Crosby then fired back: "Nugent is a brainless twit... I can out-think him without even trying hard."

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