The 13th installment of Bob Dylan's Bootleg series hit stores last Friday. It's the nine-disc Trouble No More, which focuses on the material he recorded during his 1979 though '81 born-again Christian phase. Not coincidentally, two new books about that same period are being published this month and next.
First up is prolific Dylan author Clinton Heylin's Trouble in Mind: Bob Dylan's Gospel Years -- What Really Happened. It arrives on November 28th and is touted by its publisher as the first examination of that controversial chapter of Dylan's career. If it really is, we won't have to wait long for the second.
On December 19th comes Scott M. Marshall's Bob Dylan: A Spiritual Life, which takes a more general look at the subject, but spends plenty of time on his excursion into Gospel. You can find them both on Amazon as well as in book stores.