The next installment in Bob Dylan’s Bootleg Series is More Blood, More Tracks.
This 14th volume of archival reissues contains previously unreleased studio performances from the 1974 sessions for his Blood on the Tracks album, which he released in 1975.
Dylan originally recorded the album in New York in 1974, and when it was done, review copies were sent out -- so this has always been a high quality bootleg. But he wasn’t happy with the result and re-recorded it with a new approach in December 1974 in Minneapolis. However, this new compilation contains many outtakes from the New York sessions, many of which have never seen the light of day.
It will be released on November 2nd in numerous configurations -- from a single disc to a six-CD deluxe limited-edition box set with the complete New York sessions in chronological order including outtakes, false starts and studio banter. It also contains a complete reproduction of one of Dylan's handwritten 57-page notebooks, where you can see the lyrical development of the songs.