A high school student in Davenport, Iowa, celebrated her 17th birthday by impacting a local animal shelter in a big way.
Every year since 2011, Ava Soliz has asked friends and family members to celebrate her birthday by making a donation to the Humane Society of Scott County instead of giving her gifts.
Every year, the size of the donation has increased. But this year, there was an especially big boost to her efforts when the pet food company Purina heard about her efforts – and sent in 2,000 pounds of dog and cat food.
There was so much food that Ava’s father – who happens to be a firefighter – had to round up enough helpers to physically move the pet food into the shelter.
The donation – a ton of pet food – exceeded everyone’s expectations. But it also gave everyone involved a new goal to shoot for when Ava turns 18. (WQAD-TV)