BEATLES: Come Together on Abbey Road

The Beatles are streaming another song off the 50th anniversary edition of Abbey Road, which will be released next Friday. This time it's"Come Together" as it appeared on the album, along with Take 5.

According to the album notes, they cut the John Lennon song on July 21st, 22nd and 23rd, 1969, followed by additional sessions on July 25th, 29th and 30th.

John Lennon on "Come Together.":

John Lennon on Come Together

In 1999, for the album's 30th anniversary, producer George Martin told us "Come Together" is "basically quite a simple song.":

George Martin on Come Together

The 50th anniversary edition of Abbey Road was remixed and produced by Martin's son,Giles Martin

50th Ann. version of Beatles Come Together

Fifty years ago this Sunday, September 22nd, 1969, The "Paul[McCartney] Is Dead" controversy was started when an Illinois college newspaper ran an article with the headline "Clues Hint at Beatle Death." The piece cites the Sgt. Pepper album cover and the line "I buried Paul," which John Lennon would later claim is "I'm very bored," in the fade out of "Strawberry Fields Forever."

George Martin on the Paul is dead rumors.

Geo. Martin on McCartney's death rumors

The rumors only intensified a few days later when Abbey Road was released and word spread that the front cover contained numerous clues about Paul's so-called demise.

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